Resource hub

For classroom and wellbeing support

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Here you'll find resources for classroom and wellbeing support. You can use the search and filters either individually or combined to find what you need. Find out more about the quality assurance behind our resources.


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This resource hub is for classroom and wellbeing support. For resources to help you implement a whole-school or college approach, visit our resource hub for mental health leads.


Anti-racism and mental health resources: teaching difficult curriculum topics

A lesson planning guide for teaching a curriculum topic that is linked to race and racism, or for when a potentially traumatic racist incident occurs in the wider world.

Anti-racism and mental health resources: microaggressions

A PowerPoint and guidance on delivering a presentation about microaggressions to staff members.

Anti-racism and mental health resources: practising cultural exchange

Ideas for cultural exchange activities in schools and what to keep in mind when planning them.

Anti-racism and mental health resources: gathering student voice

Ways for schools to gather student voice on racism and mental health in schools, including suggested questions to add to a student survey.

Anti-racism and mental health resources: diversifying the curriculum

An instructional case study from a school who set up a working group looking at diversifying their curriculum, and ensuring it is representative of their student population.

Advice for young people: managing your feelings about the conflict in Ukraine

Advice from family mental health specialists at the Anna Freud Centre on how young people can manage their feelings about the invasion of Ukraine.

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