Understanding our emotions - YoungMinds & Beano
This lesson introduces children to different emotions, how to speak about them and how to manage them.

This resource will help teachers deliver a lesson about emotions and feelings. The lesson will help children:
- understand a variety of emotions and what can cause them
- extend their vocabulary to describe their feelings to others
- consider who could help when emotions become overwhelming
Using this resource
This resource is designed for:
- children aged 3 to 11
- use with whole classes
There are two packs available for learners in the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 in Wales, the First and Second Level in Scotland, and KS1 & 2 in England.
Each pack contains a lesson plan explaining how to deliver the lesson. There is also a PowerPoint with introductory video included, an extension activity and resources for delivering activities.
Curriculum links
England - RSHE |
Mental Wellbeing Pupils should know: • that there is a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and scale of emotions that all humans experience in relation to different experiences and situations |
Scotland - Health and Wellbeing |
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing • I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. |
Wales – Health and Wellbeing |
Statement 2 - Having an awareness of our own feelings and emotions is the foundation upon which empathy can be developed. This can enable us to act in a way which supports the mental health and emotional well-being of others. Supporting learners to develop strategies which help them to regulate their emotions can contribute towards good mental health and emotional well-being. By learning how to communicate their feelings, learners will be better placed to create a culture where talking about mental health and emotional well-being is normalised. |
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