Attendance and mental wellbeing in schools and colleges

Find resources to support children and young people experiencing difficulties with mental wellbeing and
regular school attendance.

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Attendance and mental wellbeing

Some children and young people may find it harder to attend school or college than others, and can face several barriers. This can include pupils who have long-term mental health difficulties or who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Absence or reduced attendance can sometimes be rooted in emotional, mental health or wellbeing issues.

Although absence can be a complex issue, school and college staff can support children and young people by focusing on the specific needs of individuals as part of a whole-school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

School and college staff should work together in partnership with children and young people, their families and other agencies to provide support.

Resources to support children and young people

These resources can help schools and colleges support children and young people who are experiencing difficulties with attendance and mental wellbeing.

The resources are divided into materials for use by school or college staff, children and young people, and parents and carers.

For staff

For children and young people

For parents and carers

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