Reviewing provision in your school or college



What is currently in place?



What’s going well? What’s not going so well?

How do you know? What evidence of impact do you have? Where are the gaps?

Whole-school or college elements, e.g.:

  • School or college policies/improvement plan
  • Supporting Mental Health Leads
  • Staff training and support
  • Participation work with students
  • Surveying student wellbeing
  • Ethos and culture – e.g., anti-stigma, celebrating difference, anti-bullying



Support for individuals or groups of students with lower levels of need, targeted prevention, e.g.:

  • Good systems for identifying need and following through
  • Targeted support, e.g., one-to-one counselling, mentoring, group interventions, peer-to-peer
  • Signposting to resources/support services




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