Targeted support programmes focused on mindfulness and meditation to improve emotional regulation.

Mindfulness and meditation involve focusing attention on the present moment, cultivating an awareness and acceptance of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. These practices aim to help individuals to reduce stress, improve emotional regulation, and enhance focus and concentration.
Mindfulness targeted support programmes are designed to enhance students’ overall wellbeing, support emotional self-regulation, and foster a more positive and engaged learning environment.
Programme information
This information refers to targeted mental wellbeing support programmes evaluated by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Other programmes may vary in programme length and delivery method.
- Length: All programmes ranged from 10-12 sessions over a period of 8 or more weeks.
- Delivered by: External providers – including children’s yoga instructors, doctoral clinical psychology students
- Delivery method: Group and individual
- Age: 7 – 16
While NICE’s evaluation only covered targeted support delivered by external providers, some mindfulness programmes may also be suitable for delivery by internal staff.
Targeted support programmes
The following are some examples of mindfulness targeted support programmes that you may wish to explore to see if they are right for your setting.
Please note: these programmes have not been evaluated by Anna Freud, or by NICE as part of their evidence reviews. Their inclusion does not indicate endorsement and they have not been quality assured.

Mindfulness in Schools Project
The Mindfulness in Schools Project offers mindfulness training and programmes for delivery in schools and colleges.

Mindfulness Now
The Mindfulness Now programme offers one-to-one and group mindfulness sessions for children and young people.
There may be other mindfulness programmes available in your local area. Contact your local authority to find out what is available to your school or college. If you are unsure who to contact at your local authority, try speaking to your Mental Health Support Team (if applicable), your trust leadership team, or your setting’s safeguarding or pastoral lead.
If you haven’t yet reviewed the targeted support guide, this will help you to consider which types of targeted support might be appropriate for your setting.
What does the evidence show?
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