Resource hub

For classroom and wellbeing support

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Here you'll find resources for classroom and wellbeing support. You can use the search and filters either individually or combined to find what you need. Find out more about the quality assurance behind our resources.


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This resource hub is for classroom and wellbeing support. For resources to help you implement a whole-school or college approach, visit our resource hub for mental health leads.


LGBTQ+ history lesson pack for post-16 students

A lesson pack for post-16 students looking at inspiring LGBTQ+ figures.

LGBTQ+ history lesson pack for children aged 4 to 7

A free lesson pack introducing younger children to LGBTQ+ issues by learning about a historical LGBTQ+ figure.

Celebrate being you worksheet

A simple worksheet to encourage children to think about diversity and difference and the things that make us unique.

Traumatic bereavement animation and resources

Resources to give school staff the knowledge and tools to give traumatically bereaved children and young people appropriate help and support. 

5 ways to connect to nature to improve our wellbeing

A guide from the WWF sharing simple ways that we can get out in nature and improve our general wellbeing.

Mental health and nature video

In this video, Sir David Attenborough talks about the links between mental health and nature. Schools could use this video as part of a lesson about how nature can impact our wellbeing.

By: Mind

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