Anxiety: guidance for staff in further education colleges
A detailed booklet of guidance for staff in further education colleges, sharing information on how to spot issues with anxiety in students and how to help.

Anxiety is the body’s normal reaction to perceived danger or important events: like an internal alarm system. It alerts us to danger and helps our body prepare to deal with it. However, some people's feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect their daily lives.
Some college students may experience anxiety related to specific situations such as attending college, contributing in class and social events.
Other triggers for college students can include life changes, health issues, medication side effects, bereavement, loneliness or isolation, being abused or harassed, housing problems, financial worries and study or work pressures. Sometimes, the cause of the anxiety just isn’t clear.
This resource covers topics including:
- what anxiety is and how common it is
- signs to spot in students
- how to start a conversation with a student if you're concerned
- who else to involve and signposting to further support
Using this resource
This resource is designed for:
- use by staff in further education colleges
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