LGBTQ+ history lesson pack for children aged 4 to 7


A free lesson pack introducing younger children to LGBTQ+ issues by learning about a historical LGBTQ+ figure.

This resource belongs to the resource hub for classroom and wellbeing support.

This free lesson pack, created by Stonewall, introduces younger children to LGBTQ+ historical figure Catherine Duleep Singh, getting them thinking about what we can learn from her life.

The pack includes:

  • a lesson plan
  • PowerPoint for delivering the lesson
  • an e-book

Using this resource

This resource is designed for:

  • use with children aged 4 to 7
  • use with whole classes

Curriculum links


Understanding the world

People and communities:

• Children know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. (Foundation)

Living in the Wider World (KS1)

• to recognise the ways they are the same as, and different to, other people

Living in the Wider World (KS2)

• to value the different contributions that people and groups make to the community

• about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community;

• about valuing diversity within communities


Social wellbeing

• I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.

This resource belongs to the resource hub for classroom and wellbeing support.

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