Building better parent-teacher relationships

A webinar to help maintain positive working relationships between parents, carers and education staff.

  • Author Education Support
  • Whole-school or college approach principles Key
    7 Working with parents/carers
    • 5 Staff development, health and wellbeing

This resource provides education staff with strategies to promote a culture of wellbeing within and outside school hours. 

Focusing on building healthy relationships with parents, families, carers and the local community, it aims to help staff build collaboration around mental health. 

The webinar includes a discussion between three panel members. It offers positive and practical guidance on engaging parents and carers from a range of backgrounds with room for flexibility in implementation.  

It also acknowledges the importance of appropriate responsibility between parents, carers and staff, and emphasises that they should be supported by appropriate policies and practices. 

Using this resource

This resource is designed for : 

  • use by staff working in secondary schools, colleges (sixth form and further education) and specialist schools 
  • use by mental health leads working with students aged 11 to 19. 

Learning outcomes

This resource addresses the following learning outcomes: 

  • Develop strategies to engage parents, families, carers, virtual school heads and the local community in promoting a culture of wellbeing within and outside school hours. 
  • Develop positive relationships and work jointly with parents, families and carers from a range of backgrounds. 
  • Support or signpost relevant evidence-based resources for parents, families and carers so they can develop skills and strategies to support both their child and themselves. 
  • Author Education Support
  • Whole-school or college approach principles Key
    7 Working with parents/carers
    • 5 Staff development, health and wellbeing

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