Menopause support toolkit

A toolkit to support everyone going through the menopause while working in a school or college.

  • Author Education Support
  • Whole-school or college approach principles Key
    5 Staff development, health and wellbeing
    • 1 Leadership and management

This toolkit is designed to support education staff experiencing menopause by raising awareness and sharing personal stories from other staff members who have gone through it. It also helps school and college leaders understand how they can provide effective support. 

It aims to break the stigma around menopause and start productive conversations among education staff, as well as providing practical advice. It acknowledges the sensitivity of the topic, and potential professional, personal and cultural differences which may impact on accessing support. The resource offers a wide range of signposting options to respect individuals’ privacy and autonomy in seeking help. 

The toolkit is made up of eight resources including a case study, support guide, and a webinar discussion of the impacts of menopause and how to create a stigma-free setting. 

Using this resource

This resource is designed for: 

  • use by school or college leaders 
  • use by education staff experiencing the menopause 
  • use by all teachers and staff in education settings. 

Learning outcomes

This resource addresses the following learning outcomes: 

  • Access and utilise tools, strategies and resources to support leads’ own mental health so that they can look after themselves. 
  • Identify and utilise tools, strategies and resources to confidently engage staff to help promote and support their mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Author Education Support
  • Whole-school or college approach principles Key
    5 Staff development, health and wellbeing
    • 1 Leadership and management

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