Prioritising metal health in the workplace

A toolkit of resources to support staff wellbeing, created for World Mental Health Day 2024.

The theme of 2024’s World Mental Health Day was prioritising mental health in the workplace. This toolkit is designed to support education staff to manage their wellbeing at work. 

It aims to help staff stay mentally well by helping them understand their mental health and spread awareness at their school or college. Senior mental health leads can signpost staff to this toolkit, and it can also be used by leadership teams looking for ways to support all staff. 

The toolkit includes eight resources on different topics, including avoiding burnout and helping setting leaders develop a plan to support their staff. 

Using this resource

This resource is designed for: 

  • use by teachers and education staff 
  • use by leaders in education settings. 

Learning outcomes

This resource addresses the following learning outcomes: 

  • Access and utilise tools, strategies and resources to support staff mental health so that they can look after themselves. 
  • Identify and utilise tools, strategies and resources to confidently engage staff to help promote and support their mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Share simple evidence-based strategies and exercises with staff and pupils/students to help them manage their mental health and develop their own coping strategies. 
  • Facilitate development of school staff, identifying critical training and ensuring that all staff can recognise and understand the process to respond to mental health concerns. 

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