Resource hub

For classroom and wellbeing support

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Here you'll find resources for classroom and wellbeing support. You can use the search and filters either individually or combined to find what you need. Find out more about the quality assurance behind our resources.


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This resource hub is for classroom and wellbeing support. For resources to help you implement a whole-school or college approach, visit our resource hub for mental health leads.


Parenting Smart: mental health advice for parents

A website for parents sharing practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and manage behaviour.

Reducing mental health stigma for school staff

A short guide for schools about how to reduce stigma around school staff asking for help with their mental health.

Exploring stereotypes and anti-racism lesson

This lesson plan explores the importance of celebrating difference, and to increase awareness ofprejudice, stereotypes and racism in society. 

My self-care plan: primary

Children can identify activities that they can use to improve their mood with this self-care plan.

How to be a better ally to your students: Black allies

In this video, Black students and teachers share their experiences of racism in school and offer tips for safeguarding students.

Online self-help tool for school staff

This free tool, approved by the NHS, offers customised self-help suggestions following a brief quiz about your emotions and experiences.

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