Resource hub

For classroom and wellbeing support

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Here you'll find resources for classroom and wellbeing support. You can use the search and filters either individually or combined to find what you need. Find out more about the quality assurance behind our resources.


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This resource hub is for classroom and wellbeing support. For resources to help you implement a whole-school or college approach, visit our resource hub for mental health leads.


Cloud watching mindfulness activity

Cloud watching can be a useful activity for mindfulness and relaxation. This short guide features suggestions to help schools structure the activity as part of an outdoor lesson.

Asking for help: a guide for young people

A booklet for young people offering advice about asking for help with their mental health when they need it.

Online self-help tool for school staff

This free tool, approved by the NHS, offers customised self-help suggestions following a brief quiz about your emotions and experiences.

Coping with pressure at school

An advice booklet for young people, sharing tips on coping with school-related pressures.

Let's talk about anxiety: animation and teacher toolkit

A short animation and accompanying resources for teachers, exploring the topic of anxiety with secondary school students aged 11 to 13.

Advice and support for coping with stress

Tips and ideas for children to help them cope with stressful situations.

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